6024 €
Дизайн: Роберт Беркинг (Robert Berking)
В данном дизайне, как ни в каком другом, представлена идея классической Античности, которую в своё время лаконично выразил Сократ: «всё, что по-настоящему прекрасно - просто». Вспоминается и ещё одно изречение американского религиозного деятеля Генри Уорда Бичера: «Истинная утонченность особенно заметна тогда, когда она близка к простоте». Строгость и элегантность пропор...
About us
Our SALON at the corner of Sadova Street and Zahradni Street in Karlovy Vary represents the five best brands in the world: the porcelain manufactories MEISSEN, HEREND and LLADRO, the manufacturer of unique glass crystal products with handmade engravings AIDA and the leader in the production of silverware ROBBE & BERKING.
Each piece of these brands is an unique elite gift of impeccable quality. It's not a secret that handmade products are collectible and are highly valued all over the world.
Our SALON was opened in 1999 and over the years it has acquired a large number of grateful customers and collectors who trust our professionalism and knowledges of the business that we cherish. Our specialists annually undergo training directly at the manufactories of Meissen, Herend, Aida, Robbe & Berking and LLadro in order to be always able to help our customers to realize their most exquisite and individual needs.
We are official dealer of all manufactories we represent. It gives us an advantage in price and information policy. You can find the information about each company on our website. Please visit us and we will always provide you with any additional information you need.