Brand Robbe&Berking

Exact rigorous design and the highest standards of craftsmanship for almost 150 years have become characteristic features of the collections of German manufacturer of silverware Robbe & Berking. The motto of the founders of the company is: "Others may make it cheaper, but none may be better." Thus, Robbe & Berking supports the company's image with a high design and quality level. The main museums in Europe already display silver cutlery from the manufactory as "outstanding products of modern silver art". This silver is presented and used in the palace of the King of Jordan and four official guests residences in the Kremlin.
All of the Robbe & Berking sterling silver and silver plate flatware have got the unique guarantee of being available until at least 2040. A significant bonus is that the sterling silver and silver plate table accessories are dishwasher safe.
Robbe&Berking continues to grow and now stands as one of the most successful luxury brands throughout the world. It is a family business in its already fifth generation.